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How Can I Improve Solar Panel Performance Throughout Winters in NYC?

It is too familiar for homeowners to associate winter months with not producing solar energy. Without doing any other research, homeowners avoid solar panels on their homes in Staten Island because they assume they will not receive enough power throughout short days of winter. Because of snow, the sun being at a lower angle, and the short length of days, it is reasonable to consider a potential production drop. There are several things that homeowners can do on Staten Island to keep solar panels performing optimally throughout cold and dark winter months. For more help determining if solar panels are suitable for your home, it would help if you reached out for the best solar panel installation Staten Island.

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What can a homeowner do to improve the functions of a solar panel throughout the winter in New York City?

Make sure you work closely with professional solar panel installation on Staten Island because they can help you determine where to install panels so that you get the most bang for your buck. They can also outfit your home with extra panels to help compensate for potential losses during the winter.

After heavy and excessive snowfall, you should attempt to clear panels of snow: only if this can be done safely, both safe for you and the panels. When there is a small accumulation of snow, you can simply wait for this note to melt, especially on steeper roofs. If you have easy access to your roof, you can sweep snow off with a soft brush broom. It is essential to be mindful of damaging solar panels because they could need replacing if they get banged or scraped. Some individuals even use a hose to attempt spraying snow from panels: however, this needs to be done with warm water because freezing water could potentially turn snow into ice.

Another vital thing to do is to maintain battery banks. Considering there is less sunlight for solar panels to consume, the functions of a battery become more critical at this time of year. The best solar panel installation Staten Island offers should install batteries indoors. If they are not, they should be put into insulated compartments because lead-acid batteries can freeze. When this happens, batteries will cease to function correctly. You can also be monitoring your battery: If the battery falls below 12 Volt DC you should reach out for professional help.

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