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A Step by Step Guide to Solar Panels Work in Staten Island

Households are increasingly turning to solar panels for their energy needs. It makes your home more eco-friendly and will save you money on energy bills. When installing solar panels on Staten Island, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with how they work.

Solar Panels Staten Island

A beginner’s step by step guide to how photovoltaic solar, also known as PV, works:

  1. PV cells absorb energy from the sun and convert it to DC electricity.
  2. The DC electricity then converts to AC electricity with the use of the solar inverter.
  3. That electricity then flows through your home, providing power for all your devices.
  4. Sometimes more power than is needed for your home is created. This excess power is sent to the electric grid.

The above guide covers photovoltaic solar, but there are two other types of energy we’d like to discuss: solar hot water and concentrated solar power.

Solar Hot Water

This system works similar to the one we’ve covered, except the captured thermal energy is used to heat your home’s water. A solar hot water system consists of several components, which are a backup heater, a storage tank, a controller system, collectors, and a heat exchanger. Concentrated Solar Power

This type of solar power is also known as concentrating solar-thermal power or concentrating solar power. This system also uses sunlight to generate heat. With the use of installed mirrors, sunlight is reflected onto a specific focal point. The focal point acts as an absorber that collects and stores the energy.

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