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Do Solar Panels on Staten Island Homes Work During the Winter?

Solar Panels Staten IslandWhen people think about solar panels, they conjure images of long, sunny days with minimal cloud coverage. Winters in NYC tend to be the exact opposite of that—days are short and cold. Is there a benefit to having solar panels during the winter? This question often arises for Staten Island and Brooklyn homeowners: they don't want to invest money and time into something that does not pay off.

Simply put, the economic benefits of utilizing solar panels during winter in Staten Island are not to be underestimated, and they hinge on multiple factors, including energy savings, energy credits, and tax incentives. There are many reasons why a homeowner should opt for solar panels. Let's review the top three reasons why solar panel installation is the right call for Staten Island homeowners. 

Why Solar Panels on Staten Island Homes are the Right Call

  1. Energy Savings: Even during winter, when days are shorter, and sunlight is not as strong, solar panels Staten Island can still generate a noteworthy amount of electricity. According to data, a typical home solar PV system could produce about 50-70% as much electricity in winter compared to summer. For a household that usually pays around $150 monthly for electricity, solar panel installation Staten Island could bring that monthly cost down by approximately $75 to $105, even in winter.
  2. Energy Credits: In New York, Net Metering policies allow homeowners to sell excess generated electricity back to the grid. For Staten Island residents, the surplus energy your solar panels generate can either roll over as a credit to your next billing cycle or, depending on your energy provider's policy, may even be paid out at a wholesale rate. Considering that you may generate 5-7 kWh per day, even during the winter, this could lead to significant credits or income over the season.
  3. Tax Incentives: Federal tax incentives can offset the cost of solar panel installations by up to 26% through the Investment Tax Credit (ITC). You can also benefit from a state tax credit of up to 25% of your installation costs in New York. An average system costing around $20,000 can mean a combined saving of up to $10,200 from federal and state tax credits.

When you tally the monthly energy savings, the potential to earn credits or income from excess energy, and the tax incentives available, winter solar panel usage in Staten Island makes solid economic sense. It accelerates the return on investment for your solar panel system, making it an eco-friendly choice and financially sound one.

Before making a decision, consider getting a home energy audit Staten Island to evaluate your home's energy efficiency and to get the most out of your solar panel investment.

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